Thursday, November 20, 2008


Here is part of my inspiration board in my studio. This is a little dress that my grandmother made my doll so she could match me when we went out for the day. The dress is pretty much exactly like mine. My cousin had a dress made the same as well, not sure if she had her doll dressed the same, but as for me and my dolls we looked alike when possible! My grandmother has always been amazing at creating something from whatever is on hand. With the economy the way it is, I find myself stretching a little more to use what I have on hand. Heaven only knows I have plenty to work with, especially now that I can find it. I am extremely blessed to be able to look at my board and wonder; "What would Grandma use"?


Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet this is fabulous, what a truly wonderful inspiration! Those times were so lovely and innocent, when we matched our dolls and everything was pretty. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy nesting♥

LuLu Kellogg said...

Scarlet...I LOVE this little dress and what a special story :)

Have a lovely day,

Scarlet Fields said...

Thank you ladies-I include you in my inspirations! Scarlet