Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Friday!!

Shoe Fetish Series. This is a close up shot of the interior of this little box. Yes, that is gold leaf that I painstakingly applied with a soft Japanese brush. I think it is the perfect background for these little Mary Jane's. The interior of the shoes were pretty worn, so I applied glitter to the inserts, time consuming but well worth it. I used feathers like wings, because we all know that a good pair of girlie shoes will make us feel like we can fly!

I saved this little Kewpie doll from being run down in the road, she fell off a box, that was in the back of a truck. I very seldom use the entire doll, but in this case I dolls secretly envy one another, do little pudgy Kewpie dolls really long to be tall, tan and blond; Malibu Barbie? Maybe Barbie threw her from the back of the truck for trying to borrow her shoes? So-this is Malibu Kewpie wishing to be Malibu Barbie.

Here is the winner for "Hot Flash 2008". Her box is almost ready. I decided to use a champagne box from 1993-Dom no less. I lined it with flocked red damask paper. I am doing a gorgeous crown of matchsticks, tipped in red glitter. There are some burgundy feathers needing a home and this could be it. Edging the box with mirrors this afternoon and when she is finished she will be box number 6 out of 52. Sounds a bit daunting on this end of the numbers, maybe I should say 46 to go-LOL

Have a CREATIVE weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet, all of your work is so wonderful! I love the little winged shoes! It's such a treat to get inside your head and read about your ideas, they're just incredible and so creative! Can't wait to see how Ms Hot Flash comes out - thanks so much for sharing♥

Charlene said...

Love the shoes! I just bought a pair off ebay. I was going to use Dawns method & do a pin cushion. How long did that gold really take? I can not imagine!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to wish you a happy Thanksgiving my dear friend♥

Anonymous said...

Please stop by my blog when you have a moment, I've left an award for you dear friend♥

Josh said...

Hello Scarlet! You should check out my blog. There's something there for you!