Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Friday

I have had the best week! Dinner with Tracy was big fun and very informative. I had much to noodle on and couldn't get to sleep until after midnight. The Dean at USI has very graciously allowed me to add a needed class at the third week mark. My dear friend Kate, clocked out of her part time job just to have a glass of tea with me while I ate lunch yesterday (I could have eaten a car bumper). I am feeling so very blessed and today is Friday, which of course is just the beginning of who know what kind of adventures for the weekend.

Looks like I will be writing my first paper for class on "Tiffany", oh boy, won't that just be horrible! I am so excited, and apparently there must have been some Karma there, because the topic had previously been assigned to someone who didn't want him (go figure), so lucky me (again).

Took my first oil painting class at the Evansville Museum yesterday, that was really fun. The class is small and the instructor; Connie Rae Bell, is just the right amount of serious. I used every brush I had, I tend to do everything in a speedy manner and oil isn't very speedy. None the less, I finished a small, semi respectable, scene from straight out of my head. I know there are so many things wrong with that last sentence. It is completely evident that I will need more brushes, as I don't like the paint to mix together, again a bit difficult with the slow speed of drying. Forgot my camera at home so I didn't get pictures, but will get that accomplished this next week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and very creative weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, sounds like you did have a wonderful week! I'm so happy you're enjoying your classes and exploring new aspects of creating!! Have a fabulous weekend my dear friend!♥

Anonymous said...

Hi my dear friend! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend! Please stop by my blog when you have a moment, I've left an award for you. hugs♥

Scarlet Fields said...

Thanks for the lemonade, I guess you can tell from my recent post that I did a lot of playing and creating this weekend. I need to take pictures AND get them posted. Have a great week