Friday, January 2, 2009

December's PJ Strike Is Over!

I have borrowed heavily from my blogging friend "Josh" of original "PJ Strike" fame. I spent the entire month of December in a work related stupor. I didn't stay in Malibu Feathers the whole month, but my favorite flannel PJ's were involved about 90% of the time.

My catatonic frame of mind in regards to my perceived "real job" is finally at a standstill if not a permanent outage. I have been noodling for the last six months or so about what I do for a living. I love the job. The people I have to surround myself with; not so much. The stress in unbelievable and available for pick up 24/7. Stress follows me home, clouds my relationships and sucks the creative life right out of me.

I have spent a whole lot of time talking myself out of taking any "next step". manamoon-studios.blogspot-Sharon Henry has more than once commented that you have to start, and little by little making art will be all you do.

The creative people I have connected with on line, has made the "talking myself out of (anything)" much more difficult to do (thank goodness).

At the end of the day, the little steps made everyday will now be my new focus. I'm a bull in a china cabinet so small steps aren't so easy for me to adhere to. Suffice it to say that I have finally talked myself out of talking myself out of making art for a living. Lucky, Lucky ME!!!!

Thanks to all of the blogger's out there who are helping me along on this journey-you know who you are!

Many blessings in 2009-Scarlet


Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet, I understand so well what you've shared here. The years I spent in the corporate world wishing I could instead be spending my time creating were too long and too many. They did however, in the end, leave me with an immense appreciation when I finally found my "real life". :)

I honestly have never been much of one for baby steps either, although I know they work. I've always chosen the road of jumping off a cliff as a means to a change. Regardless of which path we choose in the end, the steps or the big leap, you'll find your way to what you love to do and we'll be there together to celebrate your accomplishments all along the way.♥

Scarlet Fields said...

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You have been such a help and inspiration to me, I can't tell you how much your support means to me. Here's to another WoooHooo! Scarlet

Anonymous said...

Honestly "Thank You" Scarlet! To be able to touch others lives in a positive way - what a gift!

I'm so proud to call you friend.♥

Josh said...

Yay, I was mentioned! I sure am glad that the strike is over! Whew!