Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Glamour Girls

Spent the morning entering the names, emails and phone numbers of those brave enough to register to win the "Glamour Girls" Box. There were so many kids who registered that I sent this photo to all who entered. With my skill at typing I am looking forward to seeing how many bounce back...
My vinegar and bleach concoction has the most beautiful color you can imagine. I dint think i sanded enough of the paint off, hoping that isn't the case. However, it is fixable and and experiment-I guess I should give myself a little grace.
ONB exhibit goes up next week. Naturally I am still working on the pieces I want to be viewed. I am finally doing an homage to: Anne Lannert. Hers was the first piece of art work I ever acquired and has been just a huge inspiration for me. I invited her to lunch for my birthday last year, she politely declined. I am going to try again this year.
Tip of the Day-Hobby Lobby will wire your work for 1.00 per piece. Best game in town!!


Anonymous said...

Oh how fabulous Scarlet! Thanks so much for visiting my blog but more importantly I've now found yours!! Will add you to my list and place you on my Follows list as well. LOVE your work!! All the best ~Sharon

Scarlet Fields said...

Stop by anytime! I checked your blog out first thing-the cards are just gorgeous! scarlet