Sunday, September 28, 2008

Early Morning Funk

This is at 6AM Saturday morning...what a blessing to witness the gorgeous sunrise. I was so excited about participating that I naturally got to the event before anyone else. It was too dark to take any really good photos and then it was too light to take any really good photos, maybe next year.

My friend came along a few minutes after 6 to help me set up. Thank heavens, because I was more than a little loopy from lack of sleep. We were able to set up pretty quickly and were able to wander around and see everyone else setting up their booths. I am really glad we took the time to wander around before the event, once the event opened to the public, there wasn't much of a chance to wander. I made a interesting observation while participating in the event-artists are really funny. OK, stop laughing, I mean that artists can have funny attitudes-I found that artists were either really friendly or they were very much full of themselves and couldn't be bothered with another artist. I understand that it takes a lot of self confidence and a healthy portion of ego to put yourself out there for the public view, however nothing really can take the place of simply being approachable and polite. Note to self-Check the ego at the door-always.

I am so fortunate that I was able to speak with so many people about my art. I met two delightful women who had a booth of atc cards. When I stopped by their booth, not only were they friendly but more than willing to chat about the techniques they used for their art. I loved the hand of their cards, mine are not nearly as lovely and I intend to experiment in the next week or so to see if I can duplicate the lovely texture of their cards. I foolishly did not get their information and wish that I had. I hope they didn't lose my email address, I would really love to have a mixed media party.

A lovely group of young women came by my booth and one in particular was interested in interpreting "Great Expectations". I cant tell you how much fun that was!!! I loved that she was sure of what she had to say and that she was willing to share her thoughts. Thank you so much for that-the sharing was an absolute joy. If I can pass along one little thing...don't wait, contact someone about a small business loan, the world is waiting for your photography studio.

Thank you to my friends who stopped by my booth for love and support. You know who you are and I appreciate all you do for me, including the boxes of stuff and gorgeous bird nests that come my way via your thoughtfulness. To all of the people who registered to win "Glamour Girls", Mollie is the lucky winner and to the rest of you who left your email address, expect a photo in your email by the end of the week.
I can't wait to get ready for next year-Funk in The City 2009!!

I can't close without thanking the J.E. Smith Gallery for accepting 4 of my pieces, another reason to be excited!!!!

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1 comment:

deanncrider said...

Hi Scarlet,
I love this blog about the festival,I have to say I totally agree about the other artist!! There were some doozies! This, by the way, is DeAnn from the ATC booth. My mom and I were so inspired by your booth, your art work is so wonderful!! Thank you so much for your lovely comments about our work. It was so nice to see, to be honest some people were not that kind to us at the art show, between comments about "oh thats just decapodge" and "crafts" we were a little discouraged, but your booth made us feel right at home. Keep up the wonderful work !! Thanks again DeAnn